Tuesday, February 3, 2009

WII fit and ignorance

Ok..so i was browsing yahoo featured news when i ran across one that is just idiotic.


I always said the idea was ingenious compared to the other game systems out there..and IT IS..people are buying these babies like mad since they came out and they still are...its not that expensive and is fun to play..it also does one thing that the other games don't..they get you off your ass. Obviously there are some jealous peoples out there...for more than one reason. The playstation 3 cost around 6oo bucks when it first came out and sony complained about how they are actually losing out buy selling it since each system cost them more than a grand to built. Xbox is just as expensive and microsoft breaks about even with still little profit..were as nintendo is actually making a profit of 8 bucks a system that is sold..its genious cause it proves people do not need all the fancy crap to be content..they can spend a little and get a load of fun out of it and the company gets kudos and profits.
it just seems as though companies are wanting to find something wrong with nintendo..for a while nintendo has been on the back burner and for a change since trhe 90's they are almost back on top.
( people still buy the other systems no matter how retarded and broke they become...may i add that the PS3 has had problems breaking down significantly after the warranty is up?...guess what sony charges 150 to look at the system and to fix minor problems and charge more to fix bigger ones..i swear there is something fishy about it..significantly they are losing out but then all of a sudden the systems break down..may i add it does the same thing?..the blue ray goes out on it OR the system wont come on at all or blinks..everyone i know has had to send their system back after a year...bastards)
i guess what i'm getting at here is it is not nintendo's fault if people spend there money on the Wii and not use it for the fitness purpose like the news article stipulates...it is the owner that had bought it and it is a waste...but to say that hardly anyone uses it is pushing it...i know plently of people use it and have read other reviews and articles stating the Wii is well used all over...it seems to me that they really cant find much wrong so they blame the company instead of the user of the system....this is so childish to me and a low way to try and make other companies feel surperior...people suck.

1 comment:

*mary* said...

That is nonsense. The XBox is notoriously bad about breaking down. Te "red ring of death" as they call it.