Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A story....

There once was a young woman who decided to take her precious daughter Breanna on an early morning walk since Breanna decided that 7 am is the perfect time to wake up and see how fine a day it was. The young woman although disgruntled about getting out of bed before 9 am thought a walk would be a good idea. ( or hopefully tire little Breanna out as to hope she would lay down when they got home) So away they went into the rising sun around the block towards a nice little shopping center to look around ( and buy cigarettes for daddy later )
All of a sudden they hear a beautiful bird singing from a telephone pole top ( no tree tops in this story since they hardly exsist on the woman's street) Little Breanna looks up and yells "ohhh pretty bird!!" As if in response, the bird looks down at her, flaps its pretty black wings, and releases it's bowels all over the place barely missing the woman and the child. Little Breanna then screams "EWWWWW you yucky bird!! You poopy and not pretty no more!!!"
This makes the woman laugh hysterically therefore strangers giving her odd stares. It makes her day already and the day really does seem fine one.

The End.

1 comment:

*mary* said...

Hahaha, great story! I have been up since sunrise also. Ughh. Tired already.