Tuesday, February 3, 2009

oh sweet laziness

for the past 3 days and some odd hours i have sat on my ass no joke with the exception of you know taking care of breanna, making dinner, washing dishes, doing some laundry, and picking up the daily run of toys so none of us break our necks...yes i consider this laziness cause it isn't half of what i do on a normal basis....But never fear i have good reason for becoming a sloth..one word TIRED...and for your benefit or for annoyance...PREGNANCY. I have felt like my food is going to force its way back up my throat and out my mouth no matter how much i don't want it to..but instead i just keep the feeling..i have not ben vomitting..just feeling like i am going to...sometimes i wish it would just come up and be over with...i feel likei have no energy for anything at the moment...*sigh*...im looking forward to have another baby but the process kinda sucks at first ( cant wait for that lovely second trimester when all is wonderful..no morning sickness..nice starting of a belly..feeling pretty...come on and hurry up!!)
ok in other news despite my whinning..breanna is doing well..im trying to makeher comprehend the fact of a baby in momma's belly and that she is going to be a big sister of this baby...she seems thrilled but doesnt understand that she cant jump on me anymore..which i must say she isnt happy about...man she is an awesome kid but she is in fact rotten to the core which is something ilove about her ( i can see it now..some guy she is on a date with trying to do some business and my beautiful girl just beat the shit of him for even thinking such naughty things)
well since i really have nothing to say because nothing has actually happened( well im reading alot..i may blog about this later) so goodbye folks until i actually have something of worth to add.

1 comment:

*mary* said...

I do not miss being pregnant!