Monday, November 17, 2008

Things to give you heart burn...

Well since my last post nothing much has happened but it hasn't been exactly uneventful either. The past few days Mark's uncle ( who lives next door to us ) got his electric turned off. We felt bad for him and his girlfriend so we let them take an extension cord from our house to theirs so they could at least have tv and one light. I guess the weather is in their favor too considering its actually been quite cold here in Florida therefore they didn't have to swelter in a hot ass apartment ( jeez i know i wouldn't want to..i hate being i live in the WRONG place). Unfortunately I'm guessing that we may have to do the same and leach off them next week cause i just got a shut off notice in the mail a couple of days ago. The demons of satan known as the eclectic company want 200bucks or goodbye lights. Around here they don't take partial payments. It either pay it all or fuck you..Bastards. I actually would not care to not have lights BUT i have to have a fridge for that stubborn necessary item to live known as food. It just seemed like everyday i checked the mail this past week i was receiving something to give me massive indigestion. The next day after receiving the shut off notice, I happened to get a lovely statement from my cable company for 600 bucks. UMMMM shit has been off since early October...WHY are you charging me fr another month?...bitches. They charged me for this month into next month as if it was still on. I must give them a call and tell them to shove the extra 230 bucks up their ass or i'm not going to pay ANY of it like i planned to. On a good note when it comes to the mail service, i did happen to receive a letter in my favor saying i was approved for medicaid and food stamps for my family. less thing off my chest.

Breanna is doing well...she is talking in full sentences, figuring out how to do most things on her own, helps me clean and i couldn't be a more proud mommy over an already wise daughter...don't let her intelligence fool you though..she has an evil side to her, she came up behind me and bit me on the bottom ( i thought at first she was either 1 being sweet and giving me a hug from behind or 2 she notices that dogs sniff asses so she decided to try it too) talk about being quite surprised, weirded out and pissed. Just a few hours ago from the bathroom i hear the cat give a god awful shriek ( good thing he is an awesome lovely kitty otherwise i fear breanna would have been torn to pieces) I come into the room and breanna is trying to swing phoenix from his tail, all the while finding it humorous and laughing hysterically. On a lighter note her sweet side shows just as much as the evil one, after i told her no that she is hurting the cat she picked him up sat him in her lap, said AWWWW i sorry and kissed him. Sometimes she is too damn cute really and she makes me smile along with wanting scream everyday :) I love her to pieces.

In other news, I have officially stopped all contact with my dad's side of the family ( well besides my dad and 1 cousin Brian) growing up because they didn't like my mother, they treated us kids like we had diseases and were the scum between their toes. Everyone of them including my grandmother. They are sad pathetic people and i wish to not have anything to do with them any longer. Not that i had much to do with them anyway. In more recent days, you know sometimes people change when they get older, a year ago a few of my cousins got in contact with me through the ever popular myspace therefore we corresponded for a few weeks. After those few weeks though none of them with the exception of my cousin Brian talked to me again. I would be kind and leave them a comment here and there telling them i hope all is well so on so forth, but they never would write back. After awhile i stopped sending them anything and lost touch again. Well the other day one of my cousins Nicole messaged me on yahoo messenger asking me if i could send her money. no hi how are you no how is beanna nothing. just can you send money. it upset me little but i kept my cool told her man i need money myself. she acted a little pissy about it giving me a sob story that she is about ready to pop with her second child, her baby's daddy isn't helping her so on so forth and the reason she needed it is because of bills ( go figure) i got the feeling however it was for something else so even if i did have it i wouldn't have sent it to her anyways. well after telling her i couldn't she all of a sudden "had to leave" so she couldn't talk any longer. Not that i wanted to talk to her anyways, but the fact that that's the ONLY reason she messaged me was to ask for money, now I'm furious. They haven't changed and they never will. I told her not to talk to me again and to delete me from any list with me on it cause i will not be used as a doormat or as someone she feels that's the only time she has to talk to me is if she needs or wants something. the fucking gall that some people have is beyond me and it sickens me more that this is my so called family. Once again another case of unwanted indigestion.

Still in the process of looking for a job, therefore the burning in my stomach and chest will not retreat from the battle and it happens to be winning..ugggg.

anyways i guess this concludes my bitch and moan for now...until next folks.

1 comment:

*mary* said...

Hey Ina. Sorry you've had a rough time. Bills have a funny way of piling up, especially around the holidays!
Also, that is an awful lot for CABLE! What the hell do they do to justify that price? Send Jim Carrey over in a cable guy uniform every time it goes off? Damn, I don't think ours is that much for an entire year! Crazy.
Well, Violet didn't eat breakfast but she is trying to eat baby shampoo at the moment, so I gotta go. I'll get on messenger later.