Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Pregnancy update and neighborly ruckus....

Yesterday I had a long day. I didn't get any sleep thanks to a kidney infection therefore having the urge to urinate every 10 minutes. In between relieving my bladder I have an itchy crotch due to yeast infection thanks to the antibiotic I am on for the kidney infection. Lovely right? After getting such a restful night I showered, dressed and was on my way to the doctor at 8am by bus to be there by 10am. It is a 10 minute drive from my apartment but due to the fact I have to take 2 buses to get there it takes me 2 hours each way. YAY.
I get to the doctor and get another ultrasound. They have once again changed my due date. It is now the 18th of September. Seems as though little one doesn't want to make up his.her mind as to when they will come out...lol. My doctor is awesome. I love her. I talked to her about my craziness and she now has me on Zoloft for the time being. After many many questions of taking this medication and the safety of it and research of my own before filling it, I think it is for the best. My doctor also thinks its for the best for the baby since my pregnancy hasnt been exactly cake. She thinks me going without medication can do some serious harm to myself and baby. I just hope it works. I don't want to take anything if I don't have to but the think is is I do have to. I can't stand myself anymore let alone my family. Mark supports me either way which is a relief. He just wants me an the baby to be ok. Most of all I want to feel like a mother again and not some pissy woman watching a kid. I love my daughter more than anything and she deserves better therefore I want to give it to her. Hopefully this is a step to doing that.
As for everything else with my pregnancy, things seems to be going along fine. Baby seems to be doing good. I heard the heartbeat for the first time. It was AWESOME. I really am looking forward to having another baby and for Breanna to have a sibling. Maybe this is what I need who knows..lol.
Speaking of Breanna. She is a great kid. I really couldn't ask for a better one. I was so tired yesterday I kept nodding off. Breanna asked me to watch a movie so I put in Bee movie and she sat beside me on the couch to watch it. She came up to me and went awww mommy it ok you sleepy (seepy..lol) I said yea momma is tired. She continued watching Bee movie and I guess I fell asleep for a little over an hour. When I woke up I freaked out cause well you know falling asleep with a 2 year old on the loose is a big No NO in the mommy area. Breanna was still sitting beside me. She sat there the whole time while I slept. She saw I was awake and got up, gave me a kiss and asked for a snack. She is so smart and loving and I really don't deserve her, but I'm soooo glad she is mine :)
In other news, I have new neighbors. They just moved in yesterday a woman and I guess her husband. I met the woman outside when I just got home. We introduced ourselves and I went inside. She seemed to be really nice. The husband/boyfriend.fuck buddy I didn't talk to. Well last night I was laying down with Breanna in the bedroom to finally sleep for the night when I kept hearing a huge commotion outside. Though I heard breaking glass, stuff being thrown and screaming. Promptly after it stopped, Mark came into the bedroom and told me he called the cops. I asked why cause normally he doesn't care about noise or rowdiness unless its REALLY bad. He said he was outside when all the stuff was going down and it was the new neighbors. I guess the guy was screaming at the woman, throwing stuff out the door, hitting Mark's uncle's car with the stuff, and then ran around out back because the woman locked him out. He tried to break in through the back to get in and broke the sliding glass door on their apartment. Mark was afraid he was going to hurt her I guess. I don't want this shit around my kid. If I would have known what was going on I would have called them too. Plus sorry newbies my neighborhood is quiet..don't need your bullshit and its good that people will put you in your place right away. I have kids, don't fucking need the bullshit. Plus even though I'm from the hood and am used to stuff like this. I haven't had to deal with it for 2 years now. I'm not about to start dealing with it again. It scares me and you never know what people like that are capable of. So fuck off.
Anyways I guess that is all for now....until next time folks.

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