Tuesday, March 31, 2009

la di da di da

First of all...Over the counter Dentek temporary filling is my new god. I bought some last night and almost instantly after applying it to the gaping hole in my tooth pain started to cease. I am totally buying out the whole supply next time I make a trip to wally world. All this relief for the fabulous price of 3 bucks. Yes people 3 bucks. I strongly urge if you have a toothache and the cause is a cavity, hole, loose crown etc, to buy this stuff. *does happy dance*

In other news I am for once done with Easter holiday shopping. the past 2 years Mark and I have a bad habit of waiting till the day before Easter and all the good crap is gone. I decided while at walmart I would go ahead and get it over with. Glad I did. Not only did I have a great selection to choose from but it wasn't a mad house yet. Breanna now has some presents to look forward to here soon.

The original reason I went to Walmart is to buy hair clippers. I totally shaved Phoenix. ( pics to come) I have reasons. One He is very long haired and had alot of matted fur on the underneath side. Two I totally wanted to see what he looks like with a lion cut. Its totally awesome but I'm never going to shave him again. Too much of a pain in the ass. I can say he was awfully patient with me. I have the best cat in the world. I have to say it is a funny sight seeing him almost bald. poor kitty.

My bargain luck kicked in for a brief moment. I found Breanna a toddler bed with the mattress for..guess what?..just guess?...a DOLLAR!..yes my friends a dollar. And its perfect. Its a light brown color and fits perfectly in the space I had for it. I am so happy!!! Hopefully my luck stays with me in the hunt for more baby items I;m going to need in the future.

Well thus concluded my post for now..there is alot more going on in my life that isn't so pleasant but I'll save that for another day...until next time folks.

1 comment:

*mary* said...

Oh man, I ALMOST suggested Dentek to you the other day but became distracted by something, or probably Violet. I'm sorry. I could've saved you a few days of excruciating pain.

Can't wait to see the furless Phoenix!