Saturday, December 6, 2008

oh the wonders of a toddler....

mark and i were recently discussing about human hard wiring...that certain things as a child are hardwired into the mind especially around breanna's age....toddlers are constantly learning, growing and developing new skills while trying to copy what we do...thus this led into a discussion of things we NEED to stop doing ourselves all together...certain things we do, say, etc.
breanna is extremely intelligent and picks up on everything, she also has a temper ( which she probably gets from me...haha)...anything we say at the moment she repeats with almost perfection...its kinda funny in a way an example being she was watching WALLE for the first time today and when he said his name she utterly went made me smile. whenever I'm cleaning she tries to help, she no longer fights with me about bedtime cause its something we make necessary and fun for hr whether it be a story or some soft music, she helped me decorate the tree this year without really needing help.... or if its something simple like brushing my hair she wants to do it herself as well...I'm so happy to see her developing so well. but along with good things comes the bad..she is unbelievably stubborn and rarely listens unless it is to her liking, with all this learning and growing she is picking up on everything even the not so good..take for instance last night...I'm trying to quit smoking as soon as possible but i caved last night from being irritated and sick so i went outside to do so...when i go out side i open up all my shades so i can see inside to watch what breana is doing although 9 times out of 10 she just stand by the window watching and waiting for me to finish and come back inside...mark cousin came outside ( whom happens to live next door) so we chit chatted while we smoked..breanna is still at the window just sitting there watching thing i know she is fiddling with the door handle..i tell her no..of course she doesn't listen ( I'm going to have a firm talk with her on the subject of NO ) i go to turn the handle to go inside to tell her no ill be in shortly and here to my surprise she none other than locked me wouldn't have freaked me out so bad if she had actually locked the handle...i could have easily got in using the ole credit card trick..but no she locked the dead bolt...this is something she has never done before and she thought i was frightfully funny...i tried to explain from the other side that mommy CANT come in if she doesn't unlock the door..tried showing her what to do which is hard from the other I'm in a panic..what if she was to walk away from the door and decide to put something in her mouth and choke? many things ran through my mind it was insane...during my state of a near mental breakdown of worry, mark's cousin was trying to call mark...he finally got ahold of him and told him to come and unlock the door...mark must have been speeding cause he made it there within 5 minutes from his work...he had this smirk on his face and i told him it wasn't funny...he said he knew it wasn't "really"...and just stated that i need to take my keys out with me from now on ( no shit)..once inside the house i take breanna in my arms and hug her...i wasn't was simply her figuring something out...i tried explaining to her that locks are a no no and she should never play with them...we'll find out if she learns this in the near the meantime however I'm making a trip to walmart for some safety locks just in case she does learn to unlock the doors and open them...the last thing i need is to wake up in the morning with no breanna in the ( cringes with fear at the thought )
anyways on to other news...still have yet to go to the clinic to find out whether or not I'm having one of them there baby things again...mark and i being sick has postponed i must go next week sometime cause i dont think i could wait any longer than that to find i would like to know how far my calculations i should be about 4 weeks along..maybe 5....but we will see :) I'm about 98 percent sure I'm impregnated do to the lack of blood in my shorts this month..yay to no more rags :D

EDIT: i just read on yahoo news that an expecting couple was pulled over and given a ticket while on their way to the hospital to have the baby..they were in the middle of rush hour bumper to bumper traffic so the husband went into the pull over lane...supposedly the cop actually made the woman prove she was pregnant by stepping out and showing her belly.. WTF and you STILL gave them a ticket?..this woman was having contractions 3 minutes apart...what did they expect them to do?..stop right there and have the baby in the middle of traffic?..i would have done the same thing as them if i were in that kind of situation.....WOW..if i was the father i would be PISSED....what ever happened to policemen HELPING these kinds of situations by escorting pregnant couples to the hospital??? the world and the people in it these days suck.


*mary* said...

You ARE preggo if 2 home etsts say so! They are pretty accurate. Trust me- I took like five. All said yep, you are!
Yikes, it snowed here,there have been 37 accidnts and Jeremy is at work an hour away. Scary.

Farnnay said...

yeah, i saw the video on yahoo about the couple that was pulled over. and i said the same thing: WTH! especially when she said that the cop expected her to lift her shirt so that he could see that it was indeed her belly under her shirt and not a freaking watermelon or something. that cop was such an idiot.

and also, my niece does the same thing as your daughter, she picks up on EVERYTHING we say. which is a good thing sometimes. and not such a good thing when she learns how to